Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The Rapture of the Soul

I am feeling a nudge to sit here and blog from the depth of my heart. There has been so many profound shifts within my spirit. I am not even sure where to begin. I feel as though I have lost an aspect of myself, as if I am not even sure I remember who I was. It is somewhat fuzzy and gray. It was as if the real me has been hiding all this time. Kept in a special box and put away as I was too afraid to let it all out. I can see where she may have sneaked out in certain areas of my life, but mostly I had defined myself according to a musical verse which had nothing to do with me. It clashed with my own music creating disharmony. It was music that belonged to others, I am not even sure if that music belonged to them, or they just forgot their songs as well so they believed this was their song as well and taught me. Before I knew it the song of my own soul was turned down to such a soft hum that I could only hear the loud static of the other songs that I was trying to find my chord within. I would never find it, because it wasn't there to find in all that racket! I had to connect to it on a level within that my own heart would remember. I wasn't quite sure how to do this. I was trying, but failing miserably as it seemed I would hear a quick vibration of it, then it would get drowned out by all the other sounds crashing in around it. It is like on of those crazy monkey toys with the smashing cymbals banging over and over near my head. How could I ever connect to my own inner tone,the song of my soul with all that noise! It was as if I had to turn my ears inside out!

On some level I called out to hear my soul. When I first did this I wasn't even quite sure how I did this. I was younger, and already knew there had to be someway else! It felt like craziness to go about life in such a robotic way. To always be plugging into roles, doing what we felt we were expected to do, but where was the joy? We all seem to be so caught up in the roles that we forget they are roles, and we disconnect from our own intuitive call within. I didn't realize how depressed I was because fight as hard as I might, I could seem to touch that deep place. I grew frustrated. I felt so much depth within myself, yet I wasn't sure anyone truly knew or understood that depth. Now that I look back, I didn't quite understand it. Then my spirit started to awaken. I started having these moments come over me where I was bathed in love, and it would knock me down to my knees as I could not hold myself up. I would be enraptured in this love and the tears would run down my face and I sometime would sob from the joy of it. I often felt as if I was being held by a Great Mother. I felt such unconditional love and the only thing I could feel was a deep sense of awe, and profound gratitude. There really is no words for these Raptures as I came to call them. I often would go outside or look out the window up at the stars and the sky and get lost in the feeling. With this happening, my soul was calling me, she needed me to wake up. I didn't quite understand, so I started going to church as I felt that was where I needed to be if I was experiencing such bliss. I found out that even the trained church officials couldn't see that depth I felt, or connect to what I was experiencing. I lost myself in books about the Saints and their ecstasies as their experiences helped me to embrace my experiences of these Raptures. There was a part of me that felt like I was losing my mind, I was struggling to balance my life with what was happening so I found that I wanted to isolate and retreat. I would have been happy moving into the mountains or heading to Tibet. I looked at the Nuns in the convents and realized that as much as living with my soul in solitude seemed tempting, there was also a part of me that loved the 5 senses and relationship with others. I knew I needed to be in the world amongst everyone.

Then came more of the inner journey into healing, spirituality, and metaphysics. I would soak it up like a sponge, I devoured book after book. I took many classes. It all played a part in where I am at today. I came more into balance as I kept one foot in that space of Rapture and one in the world. I realize now the gift of those Raptures. It was as if I was able to fall in love with myself on a profound level. I realized it was a union that started within myself, and was filled within first. I still struggled with balancing all this yummy stuff with the physical and emotional world of paying the bills, relationships, going to work, etc. I would still get so caught up in it. How do you balance life and still keep your soul?

Then I joined a Healer Training Program at the Rhys Thomas Institute and the first year went through so much change and learned so much about myself. So I went into the second year which was this past year, and I feel as though I have stepped out of my chrysalis. I have connected to an aspect of myself that I now could never turn my back on ever again. In one of the classes at the beginning of the year Rhys did a Crystal Bowl Meditation with the intention of the students connecting to a sacred space of when they were a child. A space that we felt safe in and could be ourselves. The goal is to use this to help connect to that feeling in your soul. I remembered how I use to dance all the time, and sing, and teach. So to connect more fully to my soul, I started to use this sacred space of dancing, I would be a child again, and allow myself to move with no judgment and those raptures moved in on me again. I realized that I have to bring this out into my life to share with others, just by allowing myself to be me, completely enraptured with my own soul, to seduce others into falling in love with their own souls again. It is a reunion like no other! I am happy I didn't take off to Tibet, or to some convent as to me meeting people, and forming lasting relationships is such a delicious part of life. When you are integrating into your whole being you can bring that deliciousness to all aspects of your life. Life still goes on, but you can make it more of an adventure, and find your own song, and dance to it! How is your Soul calling you? You will never get to it through your head. The mind often is not aligned to the heart and often locks you outside of it and the fight is trying to get back in. Think about all you would love to do if you had no rules, no fears, and for a moment, just allow yourself to have a moment without it. Sometimes you have to lose your mind to get back into your heart, connect to your soul, then your mind comes back but is a servant to your heart and soul.

Much Love & Light,

Monday, May 24, 2010

I am writing today in this blog as I have been so very inspired and need to share it. This particular post is not channeled through any particular angel, but is coming directly from the insight in my soul. It is just something I need to share.

The more I keep connecting to my soul, the more I realize I could never put the bricks back up that use to cave it inside of me. It always lived inside, but I created a barrier so strongly around it, that is prevented me from authentically being ME. So I found other ways to identify what I thought was me. Once I realized none of all that "stuff" that I thought was me, was bringing me truth and happiness, I had to lay my sword down, and bow my head in loving surrender. I had to realize that I could never control my soul without creating tremendous pain in my being. I then had to pick up my sword and start cutting the very tight bindings that bound me up, one by one. When I look at how I looked Clairvoyantly, I looked like a mummy of sorts all wrapped up in patterns, behaviors, comfort zones, fears, insecurities, and inhibitions. Inside of all that a fire rages, it burns from the inside out, and I smolder, I burn to let my soul pour out shamelessly. So the journey began when I couldn't take it anymore.

Through the journey of energy healing, counseling, all kinds of therapies, what had to happen was as all these healers, teachers, and mentors, held space for me, and taught me from their experiences, I had to have the courage to look at myself without judgment, releasing myself, stepping through those boundaries I established to protect myself and create what I perceived as safety. I had to thank them as I released them, for all that they did protect me from, all that they taught me. I started to loosen some. The real me started to pour out, light shining out from the cracks in my shell. There was no turning back. I had to keep going. I had to bring others with me. I was unfolding, unraveling, my petals were opening. Anchoring into this within myself has brought such sweetness into my life. I wanted others to taste it to ignite their own fires. This is the journey of The Soul Purpose that I created. This past year the insights I get directly from my own soul have been tremendous in directing my life. I can see everything in all these fields and patterns of energy, around people, communities, groups, etc.

For example, today I was at my local Dunkin Donuts to get my 3 year old daughter a chocolate doughnut. I saw this man that works there emptying the trash. He waved at me in the driveup as he knows me, and he is such a pleasant soul. He is very feminine, often dressing sometimes like a woman for Halloween. He always has his nails done, and his hair often looks much nicer than mine. He obviously is more comfortable in his skin being transsexual. He has the most beautiful features. I often catch myself staring at his beauty. The one thing he brings to this local Dunkin Donuts, is he makes the best coffee. He also is so spirited and open, he is in integrity with himself that he brings joy to others, and people fall in love with him. I have also heard and seen others that have a hard time with his sexuality because it makes them uncomfortable. So today as I saw him walking back to the building I saw all these zig zaggy lines shooting out from his energy field. I looked wondering what I was seeing, and then it all got impressed onto me. I saw his gift to the world is shooting those energy lines out into this rigid energy field built around what we feel is appropriate and acceptable. His energy breaks through these strong beliefs and rigid thoughts, that create such up tightness in our thinking. His energy is helping to shatter that field. I saw such beauty in that moment, of him playing out his soul and life purpose so perfectly. It brought tears to my eyes. It brought out such a huge feeling of love from within.

If your Soul is calling to you, as it always will, it will call and call and call. It will never remain quiet. I urge you to ask for the strength to go within with compassion for yourself, and just put out an intention to connect. All you need is a seed to plant, and this intention ripples out from you, creating synchronicities to draw all the right teachers, healers, mentors into your life to assist you. My Soul has never let me down.

Throughout life, I have communicated with my angels, spirit guides, Ascended Masters, and realize they were pointing me inward to connect to my Soul, which in the total of it all is my own Master, my biggest Guide and Teacher, from where I receive all my greatest teachings and inspirations. All that we seek externally is within ourselves, leading you back out again to share with other souls, and meet in that interconnected place of Love and Oneness. True Bliss!

Much Love & Light.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Channeled Angelic Message from Uriel - May 16, 2010

I have been coming to know Archangel Uriel these past few months. It isn't that I never called in his energy before, but I always worked with my intimate group of guides and Archangel Gabriel. I communicate with the archangels when I do readings and get to learn about their unique energies. Lately I have been feeling Uriel coming in very strongly. It has almost become comical. When I read about him, I find writings explaining him as being a gentle angel. I have to be honest, that my experience with him has been far from gentle. He has quite the sense of humor, and he is very strong and direct. He is the one who got me started on this blog. Anyway before I get to a channeled message from him as I can feel him pushing me, I have to share a story about him. When he does come through to me, he gives me a lot of mental imagery. I have mentioned to some clients the image of a rototiller digging up the ground, and lately he has been coming with the image of a bulldozer. I can almost see him driving it! It seems that he is on the path of knocking down the old and bringing in the new. So today I go to teach my Connect to the Angels Class, and when I get there I hear the sounds of jack hammering around the building. I thought to myself, "Oh NO! How will people meditate in this racket!". The students show up, and it seemed that the noise stopped temporarily. The workers must have gone to lunch. On and off the workers would make noise, but it seemed the class created its own energy of peace that we weren't overly distracted with the sounds. Then we get to the part of the class where I have the students do channeling through writing. I was chatting about Uriel and how he has been waking me up and so forth. I started guiding them into a meditation, and a very loud sound of a bulldozer kept interrupting us. I had to start laughing as I realized it was Uriel making a grand entrance into my class! It shifted the group, and once we did get going the noise seemed to leave again. Now to Uriel as I can feel that all to familiar quickening of my heart and pulse. See below for Uriel's message :)

Greeting Beloved Souls! I come today to bring a message of inspiration to guide everyone now into a new energy. There is much negativity in the media, there is much focus on Mother Earth, and all the natural disasters and human made disasters. Seeing here suffering is bringing pain, anger, blame, and frustration to many. We are seeing poison being spewed into her beautiful ocean, and there is a feeling of helplessness and exasperation. This all is perceived as heavy and evil. It is testing everyone. Please trust lightworkers that this is part of our Dear Mother Earth's experience and all of yours as well! Look beyond the perception of it, into that it is all part of a bigger plan. Mother Earth is shifting, and growing, and transforming. She is shaking off lots of old energy that no longer serves her and all that is happening whether it be earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornados, or the oil spill, is part of her journey into transformation. Are you ready to transform with her? It is a critical time now to look within oneself and release what no longer serves you. Release attachments that are valueless in the higher realms. What do we value in the higher realms? We value unity, each other, friendship, love, and the interconnectedness of all things. There are many beings of light within all the dimensions, and we look on the earth with compassion, and we send our light and love. This is a calling for all of you to bind together in love, and forgiveness of all your misguided perceptions, to forgive those around you, to see the souls in each and everyone of you. The ones that it is harder to see it in need the most love sent their way. When you can find that interconnectedness between each other, then you can shift into a higher space. This is a pivotal time. Many light beings are surrounding your planet offering all the love and support possible. You are not alone. Things rise to the surface before they release and are healed so all this turbulence you are witnessing is part of the healing. Do not participate in fear and damnation, and sacrifice. Peace and healing come in binding together. That power comes as more and more shift together and love unconditionally. We Light Beings are putting the pressure on! We see your divine potential, and know that your success and healing is imminent. We are calling louder now, as we need everyone to step up to the plate. We need all lightworkers to become spiritual warriors and dissolve fear. Fear is only a misguided perception. Connect to that place that is your soul and know that you are whole, and will always be home in Divinity. This urgency all are feeling, the shake ups many are feeling in their personal lives, is all part of a greater shift, a letting go and moving back into authenticity. When things don't feel authentic, one cannot stay in that energy any longer. It is okay to say goodbye to things that are no longer serving you. As you move forward into a higher space, you open an invitation to others to follow and so it goes on. Everyone takes a leap forward. So I leave you with this as I had a lot to say. Do not judge all that is happening. Trust that it is as it is supposed to be. Bind together with those of light mind and shift the world with your own courage and journey to heal. Love blindly and fearlessly. You will soon earn your wings! This is Uriel Fire of God.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Channeled Angelic Messages

Hi Everyone, I have been inspired to write today about my own experience with my angels, guides, and teachers. There is so much out there today about teaching us to connect with our guides. My own personal group of angels and guides have been pushing me to share. Lot of the info out there is informative, but when I read it, it doesn't align to my own experience. Angels are big powerful, and loving beings, but when they have shown up in my life, it isn't all puffy clouds and music. When they show up, they are here to push me in my own purpose. They remind me of what I am supposed to do, and it pushes all my buttons. As a child I remember seeing and communicating with spirits and angels. It was always a lovely experience. I learned very quickly that I had to shut down to my soul connection just to survive in this "reality". I disconnected from myself, and developed who I thought I was. I then created fears around my soul purpose. Later in life when one by one my guides and angels stepped in and worked on waking me up they scared the living daylights out of me. I thought I was losing my mind, they made me look at lots of my own insecurities. They told me in order to live in my sense of purpose I had to step into the fears and move beyond it.

Gabriel told me that they understand we may have fears such as low self-esteem, poor self-image, speaking your truth, following your heart, and while they comfort us, they will push us. Often when they come in we get hit with Anxiety, Fear, and it is us battling against our own Ego Defense. They are reminding you of who you TRULY are. If you follow their guidance, and step outside your comfort zones, even baby step, by baby step, your life will unfold in such a sweet wondrous way. Communicating with your Angels, Guides, Teachers, takes an open, fearless heart, and an open mind. It also is a call to action, taking action in your own life. Honoring the sacredness of your soul, and living it out in your life. This type of action comes from Inspiration and Peace.

Now when one of my guides steps in, or a big Angel or Ascended Master comes to me, I am usually like...Oh Man, Here we go! I know there is more for me to do! I honor the being and wait for my guidance in whatever form it comes in. It doesn't always appear in a perfectly formed format, or picture screen way, it is usually starts being delivered in the middle of the night to me, while I am in the shower, or over a period of time in feelings, insights, and promptings within my soul. It always pushes me even more outside my comfort zone, turning the battle towards my fears rather than outward toward life. Walking with their guidance has allowed me to see myself as a limitless being and sharing this with everyone I have the blessing to touch, see, teach, or learn from is the greatest gift, and makes for a more peaceful world.

In Love & Light,
Jessica & Her "Group"

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Channeled Message from Archangel Uriel

Hello Everyone! Below is my first channeled message that I have written in a blog. The Angels have been coming through with messages and I have been sharing them with my immediate circle of friends, but Uriel prompted me to start a blog so I could share it. Most of the time when I receive messages it is with Gabriel, but this time Uriel has a big message. Thank you for reading my blog!

Good Evening My Dear Friends!
Many of you are feeling our Dear Mother Earth's contractions as she is birthing a new consciousness. Do not fear it! It is as it should be. She is shaking off negativity that has been built and stored in her own cellular memory and she cannot hold onto it any more. This is all part of the Great Shifting of this magical time. I am here helping to support all of you lightworkers out there helping to shift the lower energy and move it into this higher consciousness that is ready to come in. Do not see all that is happening in the world as attacks, or that our Dear Mother is angry. She only has love for all of you. She is just balancing so she can withstand the new energy. It is so very important that this time be treated as a sacred time, a vigil. I wish it to be known that Mother Earth would love for her lightworkers to have ceremonies in her honor to help her through this labor of love, and her contractions. It will help ease her labor, and support her. It will put out an energy to call others to Awareness as well. Do not fear all that you are feeling, you are all contracting as well, just as your Earth Mother is. You are releasing, and letting go of instances that cannot exist in the higher consciousness. It has to shake loose, so it is as if you have been a snow globe on a shelf for many years and now it has been shaken and everything is moving around. Eventually the snow in the globe will settle. Know this, and embrace this welcome change and the labor of love will soon come to an end, and the birth of the New will be here. Support and love one another as now is a time for coming together, harmony and alignment with one another, and a time of Great Change. We are all rejoicing in the angelic realms as victory is imminent. Don't let the appearance of chaos trick you. This is welcome change. I am here supporting all of you, call on me to help you through this. I will help you create a path that you may not have been able to see before. I am Archangel Uriel Fire of God